
Priyash Jain
4 min readApr 14, 2019


The true face of a leader

Modi and Amit Shah with Babu Bajrangi

Modi’s link with Babu Bajrangi

Who is Babu bajrangi?

He is the man who boasts about how he slit open the womb of a pregnant mother to burn the fetus. He was convicted for his role in the Gujarat riots and had been serving his punishment since then, only to be let out on bail recently.

Here is a sting operation, by tehelka, which was used in the court as evidence against him. He also claims, in the sting, that Modi changed the judge three times to save him from being punished.

It’s a pity that a man who committed such a heinous crime of slitting a pregnant woman’s womb must have contacts with our current Prime minister.

The fault, as much as it lies in the man, also lies in the organisation that made him. RSS, or ideological parent of the political party BJP, has long history of association with such kind of people.

Infact, RSS was founded by Hedgewar after he was influenced by the policy of Hindutva formulated by Veer Savarkar. Calling Veer Savarkar as “Veer” is such an irony, afterall, he was the same guy who wrote a number of clemency petitions after he was jailed for participating in Indian freedom struggle against the Britishers.

Such was his cowardice that he swore to never participate in any anti-British activities if he got released from the punishment.

Pity it is that our Prime minister Modiji chooses to eulogise the coward “Veer” Savarkar over our first Prime minister Nehru.

I distinctly remember an instance of his speech where I disappointingly found him underscoring Nehru’s achievement while praising heaps at Savarkar. Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji too eulogised Savarkar but never at cost of maligning Nehru.

RSS, the parent organisation to BJP, has shady history as well. Hedgewar, its founder, prevented participation of RSS in any freedom activities. It even stooped low to assist Britishers by providing volunteers to form an army against Subhash Chandra Bose.

RSS refused to accept the tri-color as national flag.

They went as far as refusing to accept Indian constitution because it lacked a few clauses based on Hindu text, Manu Smriti. No doubt they are here to change the constitution.

Irony is that the people with anti-national background now get to decide who is anti-national and who is not.

The Greatest Hypocrite and a Liar

Our prime minister has the copyright on hypocrisy. Never has India seen a Prime minister who lies frequently, depends on propaganda to sell his image and is a hypocrite to the core.

Let’s have a quick look to substantiate the claims I am making

Modi (then and now)

Then there was one incident when a bridge collapsed in Varanasi (his own constituency) and he was seen as shedding crocodile tears while consoling for the deaths of the ones who got under collapse. Interestingly, when a bridge collapsed in Kolkata forget about condolences he was still busy playing politics by calling it Act of Fraud and that it was message from God.

Is that how a Prime minister should behave? Should a prime minister discriminate between the states his party rules and the states his party doesn’t?

Modi and Lies

Misogyny too runs deep in this extremist ideology of theirs. One can simply note that the men’s wing of RSS is known as Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, while the women’s wing is simply Rashtriya Sevika sangh.

Let me simplify what it means. Men are volunteers (Swayamsevak). Women are servants (Sevika).

Is this the kind of New India we imagine?

Nobody is Indian under this government. You are either a Hindu or a Muslim.

They want to give you citizenship of India no matter where you live as long as you are a Hindu, Buddhist or a Sikh. What’s left? Muslims and Christians. This is against the principle on which India was formed. When Pakistan declared itself to be an Islamic nation the world looked towards India to declare itself as a Hindu country.

But the leaders of that time had the guts to call out wrong what was wrong and never called India as a Hindu nation. They kept it as a country for people of all the religions, caste and creed. They understood that Indianness is to accept diversity and to enjoy it.

But our Prime minister and his party members have wronged the spirit of India.

Modi’s links with militant organisations

Bajrang dal and VHP have been declared as Religious militant organisations.

These organisations are notorious for giving arms training to young Hindu boys and girls under the name of “Self defense”.

I do not associate any religion with terrorism. I believe that it is the followers who are wrong, not the religion. But when someone accosts me with their Islamophobic stance these instances serve as a living proof that indeed such elements exist in all religions.

But our PM instead of addressing the issue instead validates it.

History shows not a single Hindu involved in terror: PM Modi

Is not Babu Bajrangi a terrorist?

And while conniving with him, is not our supreme leader the same?



Priyash Jain
Priyash Jain

Written by Priyash Jain

Psychiatrist. Aspiring writer. Voracious reader. Tech junkie. A logophile. History enthusiast. Foolishly optimist.

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